The Ubuntu! Times is a bi-daily publication about recent news in Ubuntu. The reason it's bi-daily is because when we say we, we really mean I. I am a stand-alone author. I don't chose to write the paper by myself, I just don't know anyone who'd volunteer their time on this publication. So therefore it takes longer to finish just a two page paper. Imagine how long it'd take to write a 3 or 4 paged one!
This paper was inspired by many blogs about Ubuntu, to tell you the truth. But there's one site that did it: OMG! Ubuntu! was a huge part for me to be inspired. Rather than making it boring posts, though, I decided to make it into a PC/Mac/Linux readable file OR something where you can print and go! I did this to give it the classic newspaper feel. So therefore, it's pretty unique!
If anyone would like to help contribute, please feel free to visit the Contribute page. Oh, and happy Ubuntuing!