Thank you for deciding to contribute to us, or me for that matter. You're doing a huge favor by clicking into this page! To contribute, please send me a private message with "My Entry" in the subject line. You may place the title in the document itself.. Here are the rules.
-No spamming, or else you WILL be blocked and never allowed to make a post.
-It MUST be at least 3 paragraphs long, and about a relevant subject about Ubuntu. NO fan letters, if any.
-Don't be mad or annoyed it your contributation does not get published. It must be eligible to even be considered.
-No TXT language. Proper English and formatting with few errors is the only thing allowed. If there are errors, I will correct them.
-If you want credit, at the very bottom of the story put -Your Name to receive any credit. If you wish to remain anonymous, just type -Anonymous. Entries without names will most likely be anonymous.
Thanks for your help. Be sure it's a: PDF file or a .DOC or .DOCX or message with or without pictures.